If at any point you feel confused, you may also watch a video of our “Low Profile Bed” being assembled at the link below. The video is no substitute for the more detailed instructions provided in the text guide below, but the video can be helpful to visualize some of the things stated in this guide.
Tools you will need:
Drill (Highly recommended)
9/16" Wrench (socket wrench preferred)
Headboard Assembly Guide
Locate all of your pieces
2 Headboard Halves
2 Headboard Legs
3 Headboard Connecting Boards (1x4s marked "T", "M", "B")
1 Headboard Hardware Box
Lay out a soft blanket or use carpet if available. Lay out the 2 headboard halves face down. Use the markings on the back to orient them correctly. They should match the diagram above.
Next, place the 3 headboard connecting boards within the black outlines. Match the letters together. ("T" = Top, "M" = Middle, and "B" = Bottom)
- Locate the 1.25" screws. (Do not confuse them with any longer screws that might be provided in your kit. Using too long of screws could go through the face of the headboard.)
- Keeping the boards aligned within the black markings and the headboard halves tightly together, install the 1.25” screws provided. Do not over tighten. Continue until all screws are installed into the boards.
Locate the 2.5” screws. (Do not confuse them with any longer screws that might be provided in your kit. Using too long of screws could go through the face of the headboard.)
Place the 2 Headboard Legs within the marked lines making sure to place the “L” on the left side and the “R” on the right side (see image above). Install the 2.5” screws making sure to not over tighten. Continue until all screws are installed into the boards.
The Bed Frame
Step 1:
- Begin by clearing a large area to do the assembly in. (You’ll need the space.)
Step 2:
- Locate all 3 side rails and the corresponding back rail.
- Place the front/side rails and back rail face down on the ground making sure to match the ascending letters together (A with B, C with D, etc.) (example shown below)

- Place the corner blocks in their corresponding corners by matching their letters together (A with A, B with B, etc.)
- Locate the 4” bolts and corresponding washers. Thread 1 washer onto each bolt.
- Begin attaching the bolts through the corner block into the front/side rails. Begin threading by hand, and then use the wrench to tighten. (There are two per side. Don’t tighten one all the way without beginning the other one as well, or they won’t be aligned.)

- Once this step is completed, all 4 sides (the 1 front rail, the 2 side rails, and the back rail) should be put together as pictured below.

Step 3:
Install slat #1 and slat #7 (#8 for a Cali King bed). The slat marked #1 should go right up against the edge of the footboard and #7 should go right up against the back (there are black lines to help you line them up with the pre-drilled holes). Use 1.25” screws to install into the pre-drilled holes. Note: Install into the concave pre-drilled holes. The other holes are from the following step when the shelves are installed.
- Assemble center support beam by attaching 2x4 legs to it using the 2.5” screws provided. If center support beam legs are already attached, move on to next step.
- Install center support beam by sliding it underneath the two slats already installed. Position it down the center of the bed, and attach it to the slats. Use 2 of the 2.5” screws provided (1 at each end using the pre-drilled holes).

Step 4:
- Locate the other 5 slats. The slats are numbered and the side rails are marked with lines for where to attach them. Attach the slats to the frame using the 1.25” screws sent with the bed. Attach them in ascending order. (See picture below)

Step 5 (Shelf Beds Only):
Note: This step applies to only beds with the wraparound shelves. If you did not purchase a bed with these shelves, please proceed to step 6.
- Install the shelves by lining them up with the black lines marked on the slats. The shelves are marked on their undersides as F-Front, L-Left, and R-Right. This is assuming you’re facing the bed while standing at the footboard. Begin with the L-Left and R-Right shelf. To install them, use the 1.25” and 2.5” screws and pre-drilled holes provided to attach the shelves. The 2.5” screws are for the first, center, and last pre-drilled holes. Use the 1.25” screws for the remaining pre-drilled holes.

Step 6:
- Get the headboard into position. If helpful, place the headboard, on its legs, against the wall behind the bed frame as shown below.

- Line up the headboard legs within the black lines on the back rail of the bed frame. Install 4 of the 3” screws provided into the pre-drilled holes. Have friend help hold headboard if necessary.

Please contact us if you need any help!